The Atlantis drainage system is the company's icon system, created in 1986 to facilitate the use of green roofs on roofs
and walls of buildings, solves the disadvantage of adding a heavy structure to support plants and provides a method of effective
water filtration. Our products have become a standard for the construction and landscaping industry, because it represents a structurally
strong system, with a highly effective drain, within a lightweight structure.
The wide range of Atlantis Flo-Cell®, Flo-Wall®, Flo Log® and, Flo Pipe® products make this system versatile and suitable for many applications,
including drainage systems for water infiltration of sports fields, civil works, retaining walls, concrete slabs, vegetated parking lots, pavement
drainage and landscaping applications.
The system is also designed for Sustainable Urban Water Design (WSUD) applications and provides an ideal solution to increase the permeability
of surface areas by reducing flow over the ground, facilitating recharge of groundwater.