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Rainwater Harvesting & Storage

The heat island effect of a city is drastically reduced by the plants and gardens that cover it. The ambient temperature of the city is well regulated by the abundance of green vegetation located on green roofs, green walls, parks and gardens. The vegetation and soil profile provides a natural thermal insulation that absorbs and transforms sunlight which provides pleasant temperatures during summertime. The vegetation is an ideal sink for carbon which purifies the air, outputs oxygen and absorbs water runoff.

Water is the medium that makes climate change tangible for all of us. Groundwater levels are already falling across the country and our neighbors. On average, every citizen consumes 121 l of drinking water per day. Small steps are all it takes to make a positive change in your water footprint. Up to 50% of drinking water in private households can be replaced by rainwater. For commercially used properties, the savings can be up to 85%.

Underground Modular Tanks

The Atlantis tank system provides underground water storage of unlimited capacity and can be installed in various volumes, shapes and depths to meet specific project requirements.

The entire project location can be used as a catchment area including stormwater, landscape and roof areas providing the water storage capacity to meet your requirements.

Suitable for both residential and commercial installation projects, the Atlantis tank system maximizes land usage and minimizes stormwater runoff.

Atlantis tank systems provide unlimited storage and flexible design to meet your water requirements.

Application Areas

The Atlantis tank systems are suitable for the following applications:

• Infiltration Tanks

• Stormwater Harvesting

• Re-Use Tanks

• Detention Tanks (Attenuation)

• Channels

• Soak Wells

• Leach Drains

• Drainage Channels